Updated around 11:00 AM daily
Last updated: 4/12/2020 at 10:58 AM
Positive Cases
Total Tested
Currently Hospitalized
Total Hospitalized
Positive Cases: Number of individuals who test positive for COVID-19 from state and private labs.
Negative Cases: Number of individuals who test negative for COVID-19 from state and private labs.
Total Tested: Number of people tested for COVID-19 infection at state and private labs.
Recovered: Number of cases who tested positive and have since been released from isolation and are no longer contagious.
Currently Hospitalized: Number of individuals currently hospitalized. These numbers are updated as they’re reported to us through the Health Information Network and hospital reporting. There may be delays in reporting.
Total Hospitalized: Total number of positive cases who are currently or were hospitalized, including individuals who have passed away.
Deaths: Number of individuals who died from their COVID-19 infection.
Trending Curve
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Source of Exposure
Cases by Gender
Cases by Age Group
Hospitalized by age group
People who have been hospitalized with COVID-19 by age.
Confirmed Positive Cases by County
County Map
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